Laboratories are one of the characteristic features of the education at all levels. Our college has Psychology Laboratory, Curriculum Laboratory and Science Laboratory, which is well equipped with required instruments and other materials.
The aim is to provide the pupil teachers a conceptual as well as practical understanding of the subject through hands on training.
There are three types of resource centres available in the college-
The Psychology Laboratory is well equipped with different types of apparatus for conducting experiments, such as tachistoscope, mirror drawing apparatus etc.
range of standardized psychological tests are also available in the laboratory to measure essential psychological aspects such as intelligence, personality, aptitude, interest, creativity, value scales, achievement and adjustment etc.
The laboratory gives students training opportunities in the areas of measurement and testing. It helps students to learn about psychology and also gives opportunity to plan instructional strategies in achieving educational objectives.
College has sufficient infrastructure to function as curriculum laboratory for various school subjects. Curriculum laboratory which are equipped with relevant teaching-learning resources as per the nature and scope of the school subjects.
The college has a well-equipped science laboratory with all the necessary items/equipment required like apparatuses, specimens, microscopes, slides, science models, charts, beakers, test tubes, pendulums, magnets, chemicals and other instruments etc. related to biology, physics and chemistry are available in the science laboratory. All these tools are used in teaching practice and made available to students as per their requirement to demonstrate practical that help to make subject matter more clear.